Thursday, February 19, 2015

Modern Building Blocks BOM - Fig Tree Style - #7

This is the final month of the Moda Modern Building Blocks by Fig Tree Fabrics.  I am excited that we are finally finished with the quilt.  I have decided to make one large quilt.  Joanna included an alternative to the one large quilt and that was to make two smaller quilts:  54" x 72" and a 54" x 60".  I already ordered the backing and binding and received them at the same time as the final fabrics.  I am ready to put all the blocks together.  It will be huge, 84" x 96".

Here is a photo of the final blocks:

I will probably not be able to sew the blocks together for a couple of months.  My oldest daughter is getting married in May.  I have ten uncomplicated, small quilts to make to cover bales of hay.  Her wedding colors are blues, aqua and yellows.... really colors of the sea.  Her fiance is a weekend sailor so those are the colors that I am working with BUT with the release of the Boat house by Sweetwater and Daysail by Bonnie and Camille, I don't have to think about what fabrics to use! 

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